Friday, September 28, 2007

For Speed Training, get a bigger engine

It is that time of year when parents start calling for "speed training".  The first thing I am told is they don't want little Johnny or Mary to become "muscle bound", they just want them to be faster, more agile.

    sprinter   long distance runner

There is a reason sprinters, and jumpers have muscles, it is because you must first have strength before you produce power, or speed.  Speed is basically strength produced quickly, with out one you can't have the other.

That being said, it isn't necessary to make little Mary look like a football player, but it is necessary for her to be somewhat stronger before she is going to get any faster.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Guaranteed weight loss

Eating strictly from this list with sensible portion control and exercise will result in a positive change in body composition period.   You just have to discipline to do it.

Lean meat/poultry (90% lean meat, chicken, turkey, etc.)


Dairy (cottage cheese, low-fat string cheese)

Healthy fats (fish oil, mixed nuts, olive oil, flax seeds)

Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, greens supplement)

Fibrous fruits (apples, grapes, pears, blueberries, other berries)

Oatmeal/other whole grains

Green tea

Protein powders (casein/whey blends, whey)

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Coach/Strength Coach Interaction

Had another Great workout with my swimmers today from the WTRC Sharks.  Their new coach (I won't mention his name, because I haven't asked him if I could) is a well known professional triathlete, and ex-collegiate swimmer who truly understands the interaction between a coach and a strength coach.

I have dealt with so many control freak sport coaches, that don't know the first thing about conditioning but insist on doing it themselves, so they don't loose the grasp on their athletes.

I wish more coaches could witness the interaction this new coach and I have, and the positive transformation it has made to the kids in such a short time.  Their attitude is better, they are working harder than ever, and the interaction of the two coaches, with their two specialities is helping blend the in and out of water performance.

There is a reason I don't coach football, or basketball, or soccer, it is because I feel I don't know enough about it.  There are still so many sport coaches that read an article written by their favorite sport  college or pro coach, or get a program from a college clinic, and give it to their athletes blindly without the slightest ideas about the ramifications.

Most college conditioning programs are designed for spectacular athletes, the top 1% that the country's high schools have to offer.  They often times are not appropriate for the average high school athlete.

Leave the design and implementation to a coach that only coaches strength and conditioning, and we will leave the sport coaching up to you.

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee