Friday, February 27, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The most ridiculous hang clean I have ever seen

I ran upon this video on YouTube from a respected university.  If my athletes looked this bad doing an exercise, I wouldn't take video of it to show my skills as a coach, much less allow it to be posting it for everyone to see.  You be the judge

Then I found this video of an 8th grader who has near perfect form, taught to him I am sure, by a father, PE teacher or coach, that asked his athletes to worry about form not weight.  Why do we spend so much time asking Pro and College coaches for advice, when coaches at this level do all the hard work before they get to college?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Be an athlete first

This is an amazing video, about an amazing athlete.  It speaks to being an athlete first, and worrying about your sport after you have accomplished that.  Find every possible method to improve your basic athletic skills: strength, speed, balance. 

Sunday, February 08, 2009

45 day fat loss challenge

Tomorrow starts the 45 day fat loss challenge at power athlete.  Non- competitive athletes and adults that wont to take the challenge only have one criteria, they must stay under 100 grams of carbohydrates per day for 45 days, that is it.  The majority of carbohydrates must come from sources low in carbs such as most vegetables.


Web source that may help:

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Gym Pics

Started playing with the camera on my blackberry today, not a bad little camera



Dr Vasilu before and after his 500m rower sprints


Brent Roth during squat bodyweight x 8 + ring pull ups x 8 intervals

Sandy Plunkett is a bad ass

Pictured below are teeth marks left after they made contact with the killer elbows of Sandy "kick ass and take names" Plunkett during the girl's basketball game this week  Nice Job Sandy


Alter Football Signing Day

Archbishop Alter High School today sent 5 players to division 1 football programs, two of our own Max Plunkett and Evan Neff both signed as part of this ceremony Evan is going to Ball State and Max is going to Kent State.


Evan and his parents Bob and Carolyn


Max and His family, Mom and Dad, Theresa and Gail, sister Sandy and brother Micheal

Congrats to all the boys we wish them well.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Found the Side Effects of Alli

the weight loss supplement Alli has certain side effects, that are compiled on the website quite histerical really that anyone would rather do this to themselves, rather than exercise with any kind of intensity and watch their dietary intake.

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee