Saturday, October 29, 2011

PowerAthletes Dominate!


Congratulations to our own Ben Suttman and Tommy Ruff both scored in the Alter win over CJ last night 17-7


Ben Picture



Tommy pic


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paleo Food Matrix

I just found this, Robb Wolff of paleo fame has but together this interesting little matrix:




Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thinking and Knowing

I was reminded today of a belief I have held for a long time, from training all types of athletes.

good athletes think they can be successful, great athletes know they can be successful.

To make yourself as successful as your talent allows, you have to know you will be at the end of your route when the ball gets there, not spend your whole run thinking about your coverage, if your gloves are tight enough, if your running fast enough, etc, etc, etc.  This type of thinking leads to chatter in your brain which allows for a much higher percentage of mistakes.  I have seen great athletes overcome incredible adversity and still be successful, because of the depth of belief in their ability.

This seems like a simple task, to believe in yourself, but in truth it is quite difficult.  You must believe without a doubt in a successful conclusion to your event even before you start, to put it a different way, you must believe you have won the race before your feet are on the starting blocks, the race is already won.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

3 current power athletes mentioned in one Dayton Daily news piece

Katie Grunder, Halle Pyle and Natalie Nusinow  all were mentioned for their participation in the Centerville vs. Alter Girls soccer game

Friday, September 02, 2011

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Nutrition,the new drug of choice

Awesome article on the use of food as another modality of performance enhancement.  All my young athletes listen up, and my beat up college athletes, change your diet, improve your performance and recovery!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Where did Crossfit go wrong?

Greg Glassman has made a permanent impression on the face of how we look at fitness, this is a fact that can not be questioned.  And while I don’t train in a “crossfit style”, I do track and read where the community moves and progresses.   I have great respect for the community as a whole. 


I found it troubling while looking at the winners of the 2011 crossfit games today, and I wonder how crossfit has gone from producing fit women like the picture of Jolie Gentry above to who won the 2007 crossfit games, and Nichole Caroll below to the picture of the winner this year (she is on the right of the bottom picture).  Four short years has changed the direction of the philosophy has gone from this:

To this:

It would seem to me that the allure of a large payday has changed the sport to friendly competition to win at all costs…..

Monday, August 15, 2011

End of a Great Sprint Session

A combination of women’s soccer players and basketball players after they gave their all on a particularly difficult sprint sequence.  Great Effort Ladies!

Tuesday, August 09, 2011

Squat Clean done the right way

quick video of training this afternoon, Claire has been doing Olympic Lifts for about 10 days, weighs about 120 pounds and pulls 3 perfect squat cleans at 135 pounds.  Not bad, not bad at all

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How far are we from this in America?



I was sent this disturbing picture by a friend, and at first I was self righteous about it, saying “how could they do that to those children”, then it dawned on me how close we are to doing this type of training with very young children in this country.  Wake up people, a 4 year old shouldn’t be lifting weights or seeing a speed coach!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Introducing PowerStroke High Intensity Circuit Training For Active Adults.

This week we at PowerAthlete rolled out the latest in Adult Fitness Training.  PowerStroke High Intensity Circuit Training is a sequence of exercise placed in such a way to create the most beneficial workout possible.  The circuits themselves include traditional dumbbell exercise, along with various sporting and plyometric movements.  This combination of exercises done in the correct order, with short rest breaks, and a surprise set at the end of each circuit give any adult the results they are looking for.  Each series of exercises is tailored to the individual participant, so we can maximize result!

Come give it a try, first workout is free for new clientele.Z

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Amazing Quote

Fitness Journalist Chris Shugart writes


“Working through difficulties carves you into a strong person. Doing things that are painful make you less susceptible to pain. Calluses are good. Scars give you character. Grit your teeth and juggernaut through those walls life builds up in front of you. Don’t look for the work-around. Go through”.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Work Hard and Smart, and You Will Have Success

Our own Lane Breyer winning his weight class in a recent wrestling tournament as a Freshman.


"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee