Saturday, October 29, 2011

PowerAthletes Dominate!


Congratulations to our own Ben Suttman and Tommy Ruff both scored in the Alter win over CJ last night 17-7


Ben Picture



Tommy pic


Thursday, October 27, 2011

Paleo Food Matrix

I just found this, Robb Wolff of paleo fame has but together this interesting little matrix:




Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Thinking and Knowing

I was reminded today of a belief I have held for a long time, from training all types of athletes.

good athletes think they can be successful, great athletes know they can be successful.

To make yourself as successful as your talent allows, you have to know you will be at the end of your route when the ball gets there, not spend your whole run thinking about your coverage, if your gloves are tight enough, if your running fast enough, etc, etc, etc.  This type of thinking leads to chatter in your brain which allows for a much higher percentage of mistakes.  I have seen great athletes overcome incredible adversity and still be successful, because of the depth of belief in their ability.

This seems like a simple task, to believe in yourself, but in truth it is quite difficult.  You must believe without a doubt in a successful conclusion to your event even before you start, to put it a different way, you must believe you have won the race before your feet are on the starting blocks, the race is already won.

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee