Sunday, October 07, 2007

Omega-3 Fish Oils

if there was any question to how useful those little oil filled pills are, he is the current list of suspected positive associations.

  • Fish oil consumption has been associated with a reduced incidence of sudden cardiac death in humans.
  • Fish oil has been shown to improve mood.
  • Fish oil has been associated with a reduced incidence of stroke.
  • Fish oil has been shown to reduce relapses in those with Crohn’s Disease and complications with Ulcerative Colitis.
  • Low levels of plasma EFA's have been associated with ADHD in children.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis patients were able to reduce their usage of NSAID drugs when they added in n-3 fatty acids.
  • Elite athletes were able to reduce the severity of post-exercise bronchial constriction when supplementing with fish oil.
  • Fish oil supplementation can elevate HDL cholesterol levels and assist in weight loss.
  • Fish oil supplementation can make you leaner.
  • Fish oil improves mitochondrial function.
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