I have been, for 15+ years now, tried to get my head around the optimal combination of these three things, we didn't call it hybrid training back then, but that is what it was. Coach Glassman, the genius behind Crossfit, has mastered the out of the box look at physiological adaption. He recently made a comment during a speech that by experimenting with USA skiing, adding pullups to a downhill skier, makes them a better skier. They don't know why, it just works so they have run with it. Until recently, I have found it necessary to have concrete proof on why I was doing something, backed up by research, even though I already knew it worked through personal experimentation. My programs now reflect the fact that I have increased strength levels with high rep jumping, heavy core work is key to lifting big weight, you can still build lactate threshold and still lift heavy, they aren't exclusive that need to be programmed separately.
It is my goal in the next year, and years to come, to continue to carve the fat off of the meat that is movements and programming, to expose only working aspects.