I talked a while ago about competing in the 2011 Crossfit Games, and over the last couple of months of training, I and other strength coaches have put out a multitude of articles about the completely unusable nature of the crossfit system. With a “take no prisoners” intensity everyday, the inevitable central nervous system burn out is my main reasoning. Its really not fun or interesting to have to talk yourself into the same intensity of workout everyday, unless you have nothing other to do or any other responsibilities your life.
My training will continue as an on going experiment on bettering the programs I write for my athletes and soccer moms. That means looking for new approaches that allow them to live and compete in a state that is ready to take on the challenges that they aspire to accomplish, not be hurting and burned out indefinitely.
As I have said many, many times, it doesn’t take a genius to beat someone into the ground everyday. A moron can shout random exercises at a student until they puke. It’s how you program your conditioning around their life, not their life around the effects from your conditioning that makes a professional. If a mom can’t pick up her kid because of her constant beaten down state, it doesn’t improve her life, and thus isn’t productive.
End of sermon.