Wednesday, June 24, 2009
WOD 6.24.09
200m run
10 burpees
200m run
12 Thrusters 1/2 bodyweight
200m run
14 lunges 1/2 bodyweight
200m run
18 squats 1/2 bodyweight
200m run
20 jump squats 1/2 bodyweight
200m run
Saturday, June 20, 2009
What we do
Explanation of Services
Our basic philosophy is just that, basic. We believe that every athlete regardless of of sport or position should be trained as an athlete.
All athletes of any designation should have some basic skills:
Our basic skill set is:
increase strength
increase endurance
increase power
increase flexibility
increase coordination
Any athlete proficient in these movements and skills will succeed in there sporting endeavors, with minimal exposure to injury.
Specific training to a sporting position seems to be the road to which you would build the optimal player. The problem with this approach is that it leaves the athlete open to issues if for instance as so often happens, the individual changes field position (defense to offense for instance). A trained athlete makes these adjustments much quicker than a single faceted player.
Our pricing is structured in such a way that the individual can visit the facility as often as their schedule allows. This gives the athlete the ability to be exposed to as many skills and movements, as often as possible, maximizing their adaption to these elements.
By continually varying the combination of skills within a workout, the dangers of stagnation and over training are over come.
All this being said, the glue that sticks all of these skills together is hard work, we are not a babysitting service, or a place for young athletes to hang out. We work with individuals that are driven to improve. The workouts themselves are structured to be very strict on exercise form, they are fast passed, and relatively difficult according to the present ability level of the individual athlete. What this means is all the weights and sprint times assigned to the individual will be made to be difficult to obtain, according to each athlete's present fitness
Thursday, June 18, 2009
we did this workout yesterday, it started out being called "House on the Water". Somewhere along the line, someone changed it to WTF, you decide
5 min warm up (bike, stretch, etc)
run lengths of gym (90 feet) for 60s record total lengths
10 burpees
10 back extensions
keep repeating circuit till you reach 50 total lengths of the gym
push ups for 60s
40-# of push ups each set = # of 50# db swings
3 rounds
versa climber 60s count strides (substitute mountain climbers /1.5)
200-# of strides = sit ups with a 35# plate on chest
Monday, June 08, 2009
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Mental disorder
Run 400m
30m walking lunges
Sit ups x 25 +25# plate on chest
Db swings 15 x 30/50#
squat+push press 15x20/30#
30m broad jumps
Pullups 10
X 4
-- In Strength