I am usually concerned with losing body fat for clients, but with football players the question is always, how do I gain mass?
The key to gaining mass is always increasing carbohydrates and calories. What this usually looks like, is eat more crappy food, which results in the a gain of some very negative (fat) weight, and very little positive (muscle) weight.
A sample positive meal plan for bulking or mass building for a 200 pound person would look like this:
- Meal 1: 4-6 cups potatoes or 3-4 pieces of whole grain toast, 10 ounces of grilled meat or fish or 4-5 eggs, 1 banana
- Meal 2: 2 cups of brown rice, 10 ounces of grilled meat, 1/4 cup of peanut or other nut butter
- Meal 3: 3 cups of pasta, 10 ounces of grilled meat or fish, 1 table spoon of olive oil
- Meal 4: Large sweet potato, 10 ounces of grilled meat or fish, any green veggie
- Meal 5: 2 cups of brown rice, 10 ounces of grilled meat or fish, 1/4 cup of peanut or other nut butter
- Meal 6: Cheat Meal (Ice Cream/Milkshakes with additional Whey protein)
Obviously adjust the food quantity for your individual starting weight, but as your weight increases, your calories need to increase to accommodate the increase metabolic needs. A 180 pound body needs more calories than a 160 pound body.