Thursday, August 09, 2007

Summer Dietary Changes

        Summer Vegetables


If you are thinking about cleaning up your dietary habits, summer is the easiest time to do it.  The fruits and vegetables are sweet and ripe, and a perfect accompaniment to a lean piece of meat or fish. 

I would like to extend a challenge to all of my readers, and that is cut out all grain and refined sugar calories for 2 weeks. 

In the centuries past, humans needed a cheap energy source to help them through long work in the fields factories and other manual labor jobs and play.

The childhood obesity rates are due to the fact that we have kept most of these foods in our diets, but automated most all the things that we used to do manually (e.g. drive a car instead of walk or ride a bike)

Most of the grain or sugar calories we take in anymore are very processed, removing most if not all nutritional value and fiber.  By making up the missing bulk in fruit and vegetables your nutritional density will increase through the roof.

Remember, be strong 2 weeks no grains or refined sugars or sweets.

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee