Monday, May 25, 2009

WOD 5.25.09

"no, I not kidding"

Run 400m
Burpee pullups for the time it took to run each 400m

Rest 2 min

4 rounds

-- In Strength

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One of the most impressive performances I have seen with Crossfit

Unlike the super fast Fran times, Grace can't be half assed with butterfly kipped pullups or any other technique modification.  It is deceptively simple in design, but an incredible test of anaerobic endurance and mental fortitude.  This video is from Crossfit Dixie, my hat is off to you Tycen

Monday, May 18, 2009

WOD 5.18.09

Warm up

6 rounds:
10 push ups
10 squats
10 sit ups

400 m walking lunges (1 lunge each leg + 2 broad jumps)
Rest 60s

-- In Strength

Saturday, May 16, 2009

WOD 5.15.09

Deadlift 3rm 4x1@3rm

10-1 ladder:
135# hang cleans
100 yd shuttle lengths

First set looks like 10 hang cleans 10 lengths of shuttles

-- In Strength

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

WOD 5.13.09

5 rounds

5 burpees
5 each arm renegade rows without the push up 65# db
5 deadlifts 315#

8:23 to finish

-- In Strength

Monday, May 11, 2009

WOD 5.11.09

Metabolic set

5 rounds:
Dolly pike ups x 15
Push press 95# x 15
Jump lunges x 10 ea leg

-- In Strength

Sunday, May 10, 2009

WOD "baracuda nipples"

Main set # 2


Walking lunges total steps (20/30)
Renegade rows (no push up) (20/30)
Db high pulls (20/30)

-- In Strength

Saturday, May 09, 2009

WOD 5.9.09

Standard, go to ass kickin'

10 bodyweight back squats
10 burpees
5 rounds for time

-- In Strength

Thursday, May 07, 2009

WOD 5.7.09

Warm ups

12 back extensions
12 push ups

Deadlift 3 rm + 6 x 1 @ 3 rm
Push press 5 rm + 4 @ 5 rm

Deadlifted well today 435 x 3

-- In Strength

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

WOD 5.6.09

"post cinco"

Warm ups + strength set

1000m row
Run 400m
Airdyne bike hard 5 min

Back squat 3rm + 6x1@3rm
Pullups 5x5

-- In Strength

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Use what works....but keep looking

It is very easy, once you have had success, to keep using the same sub set of exercises, or perimeters, but what is also important is the continued variability of stimulus. Yesterday I taught a group of football players to row, and used the rowing machines to do some sprint intervals. Although they are well versed in sprint intervals, the slight change in modality made a world of difference. If one method doesn't work, find a new way to achieve the goal. If the way you are doing something works, periodically change it up to force your body to adapt.

-- In Strength

WOD 5.3.09

third circuit:

5 rounds:

Front loaded walking lunge 1 on each leg plus 3 push presses 80 feet. 95/65

-- In Strength

Saturday, May 02, 2009

WOD 5.2.09

Second Circuit:

5 rounds:

20 squats
20 lunges
20 box jumps
10 jump squats

60s rest between sets

-- In Strength
"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee