Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Moving forward with training

The initial experiment with competition prep after evaluation, has shown a distinct lack of variety of planes of movement, almost exclusively linear motion, and an excess amount of hip extension exercises (deadlifts, Olympic lifts).  The use of these movements are unquestioned, but just to excess.  The on going plan is to have 4 heavy lifting days a  month and fill the rest of the work days with as much variety as possible, including all implements at my disposal (sleds, sandbags, slides, airdyne bikes, rowers, etc)  as well as multi directional plyometric drills.  The variety also includes a variety of loading and repetition ranges, in order to work all energy pathways though out the week.

an example of a non-weight day:

sprint through the list:


airdyne bike 5 minutes hard

lateral barrier hops (barrier set at 14") x 20

ring rows x 20

slide leg curls x 20

db swings x 20 x 60#

row 250m sprint

bar push press x 12 x 135#

row 250m sprint

dolly rollouts x 20

high pulls from the floor x 10 x 135#

rest 2-3 minutes

repeat 3 sets

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


warm up

5 dips

10 jump squats

15 ring rows

deadlift - dead tired after yesterday's bear complexes worked up to 405 x 5, Mike 405 x 1 x 2


1000m row

80 squats

60 sit ups

40 push ups

20 pullups

Paul: 8:57

Mike 9:25

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Heavy weights, less reps, moderate calories = hard body!


Warmed up to a semi maximal bear complex (power clean + front squat + push press + back squat + push press) stopped at 225

5 x 1 of the bear complex at 225

5 rounds

10 pullups

20 box jumps

Monday, April 12, 2010

Forgotten entry

Saturday 4-10-10

150 burpees for time

Paul 14:26

Mike 12:14 - awesome effort!


warm ups

50 sit ups

20 back extensions


Squat Clean 3rm + 1 set (Paul 265# Mike 225#)

4 minutes of 95# thrusters - sucked

3 minutes of dumbbell swings 50# - get out of your head and push forward

2 minutes of  pullups - numb by this point

1 minutes of knee tuck jumps - don't think just do!

total reps:

Paul: 200

Mike: 190

Words to remember EVERY TIME you train.......

If you aren't breathing hard, and suffering at least a little, your probably wasting your time

Friday, April 09, 2010


warm ups

10 push ups

20 mountain climbers

10 jump squats


weighted pullups 1 rm + 2 sets unweighted pullups (90#)

4 rounds:

100ft walking lunges

12 squat clean + jerk

12ea renegade rows

40# dumbbells

Paul 13:25

Mike 13:27

Thursday, April 08, 2010


warm ups

run 1 min

row 1 min

sit ups 1 min


Total Weight Lifted

1 rm Thruster (front squat+push press)

1 rm Overhead Squat

1 rm Deadlift

Mike (Thruster 235/OHS 205/Deadlift 455) 895# 110 pound improvement - awesome

Paul (Thruster 265/OHS 205/Deadlift 495) 965# 50 pound improvement

Death By 10 yds

1 10 yd sprint the first minute

2 10 yd sprints the second minute

etc until you can't make the prescribed # of lengths within the minute. 

we made 15 minutes/lengths - sucked balls!

Tuesday, April 06, 2010


warm ups

12 squat snatch @ 65#

15 ring rows

20 dolly roll outs


bodyweight bench press max reps x 3

row 20 x 20:40

much better showing on the rower.  all sprints less than 1:35/500m

Monday, April 05, 2010


warm ups

5 burpees

5 handstand push ups (bullshit move)

5 sit ups


squat snatch 3rm +3

21 squat+push press 135# (paul 1:42 mike 2:40)

rest 2 min

15 squat+push press 135# (paul 1:06 mike 1:44)

rest 2 min

9 squat+push press 135# (paul :37 mike :58)

Catch Up From Last Week


After Posted workout, planned to run a quick 3 miles of trails, took a wrong turn, turned into 6 miles of trails/roads/trails again. bad idea

Thursday: Off


warm ups:

10 squats

10 lunges

10 jump lunges

10 jump squats

stretch for 1 min


Push Press 1 rm + 2 (255#)

5 db burpees x 15# dumbbells

7 x deadlifts x 225#

100 ft broad jumps

x5 for time

Paul: 6:52

Mile: 6:10


warm ups:

10 burpee broad jumps

10 roman sit ups


back squat 3rm +1 (365#) legs dead by this point in the week

3 rounds:

500m row

10 squat clean to overhead 135#

10 pullups

Paul: 13:42

Mike 13:55

Word to recovery:  Not enough to support proper growth/strength gains.  We will maintain this format for a couple of more weeks, but with no additional increases in strength over that period, there will be a change in programming in order to enhance both metabolic and strength gains.

Thursday, April 01, 2010

Nuf Said

"When a warrior learns to stop the internal dialogue, everything becomes possible; the most far-fetched schemes become attainable." -Carlos Castaneda

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee