Sunday, May 30, 2010

Took a few new pictures….

gym photos april 019

Intensity and concentration, he finally gets what it takes and it shows. added 30 lean pounds of muscle and took 2 full seconds off of his 40 yd sprint time. Congrats Adam.

getting under 110 pound single db snatch

Collin, 20 pounds of muscle gain, 2 seconds off of 40 yard sprint time – also gets it! 110 pound dumbbell single snatches, dropped into the catch!

Andrew S.  8th grade 215 pound deadlift for reps

Andrew, 140 pounds bodyweight, 225 pound deadlift for multiple reps, 8th grade. Work Hard, and Smart, results will come

I ask a great deal from all of my athletes. Those with poor work ethic tend not to last long surrounded by those battling everyday to better themselves inch by inch.

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee