Saturday, July 21, 2007

Professional athletes


Just a few words on the state of professional athletes today.  After listening to the reports about Mike Vick this week, and his dog fighting.  This one thought occurred to me, how many high school, or college athletes wouldn't jump at an offer like this:

  1. Keep quiet, live your life and don't hurt anyone or cause any problems, be a good citizen
  2. stay out of jail and don't beat or kill your wife or kids
  3. play the sport you love
  4. oh, and here is the kicker, we will pay you between 1 and 20 million dollars a year to play just do those 3 things!

Professional athletes as a whole need to get a grip and follow the lead of the few that are helping their communities, their neighbors

and their country!

Any thoughts?

"Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it." Bruce Lee